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The most comprehensive reputation data resources in automotive, brought to you by Widewail.
  • Widewail Automotive Reputation Index
  • The REV Newsletter (1x/month)
  • Industry Reports

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Automotive Index Training: Basic Actions


  • In the top toolbar, click “Sort”

  • Select a column title in the dropdown menu and sort in ascending or descending order

  • Add multiple sorts for additional layers of ordering

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Automotive Index Training: Basic Actions


  • In the top toolbar, click “Filter”

  • Focus on certain areas by filtering by categorical fields like "Brand" or "City"

  • Set conditional filters like "all dealers with an average rating greater than 4"

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Get to Know the Reputation Data

This Widewail Automotive Reputation Index dataset consists of:

  • 16,671 new car dealers in the U.S.

  • 1.6M reviews

  • Google reviews only

  • Current Timeframe: February through June of 2023

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What Does This All Mean?

Find definitions of each column header

In the row of column headers, you can hover over the ⓘ symbol next to each label to read the definition of what is being measured in that column and how the data was collected. 

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Where to Find Benchmarks

At the bottom of the table, you'll find aggregated numbers for each column. These are the benchmarks. We've preset the benchmarks in each column for you.

The benchmark data updates as you filter and sort the table, producing thousands of variations, each specific to your market or interests.


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Common Use Cases & More

Below the Reputation Index table, you'll find a Common Use Cases section to get you started. Each common use case includes a how-to video.

The Automotive Reputation Index is ever-evolving. Check back regularly for updated data and new use cases. If your dealership is missing and you’d like to add it to the Index, select “Submit a request to add.”

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August 21, 2024

REV #012: Toy-WHOA-ta, Q1-Q2 2024 Reputation Benchmarks, Refreshed Reputation Index

REV #012 Newsletter: Toyota is the new Google review volume leader in 2024, review volume has grown 29% in 2024 among major automakers, Widewail Automotive Reputation Index is now updated with new data for 2024.

Welcome to the REV. A briefing that goes deep into the Widewail Automotive Reputation Index data, surfacing the most interesting insights. Every 3 weeks we Rank, Explore & Visualize automotive reputation & sentiment data. 

Explore newly refreshed Widewail Automotive Reputation Index data. 

Read online. Subscribe.


Index Now Has 2024 Data

On November 8th, 2023 - We launched the Automotive Reputation Index.

We intended to offer something unique, fresh, and transparent: the entire auto industry’s reputation on one page.

And the industry loved it. 

But lately it’s been stale. The data is old.

Today we’re fixing that. 

The data is not just refreshed but expanded. And the star of the show is time-period data.

MoM. QoQ. YoY. 

The Index has progressed beyond a snapshot. It’s now moving with the industry, tracking local ripples and national tides.

Today we’re releasing data from Q1 and Q2. Starting in September, we’ll begin updating the data monthly so you can keep up-to-date with the movement of your dealership(s) and competitors.

Browse New Index


Toyota’s 2024

2024 is the year of Toyota.

It’s making all the headlines. 

“Toyota hits record annual output, sales on robust demand” —Reuters

“Skyrocketing Toyota Prius Sales Proves People Want Hybrids, Not EVs” —Motor1

In the first half of 2024, Toyota sold over 1 million vehicles, up 14.7% from 2023. Toyota’s Lexus division had its best-ever first-half sales: moving 167,000 vehicles, representing 12% growth YoY.

Why? Hybrids. 

Toyota’s expansion of its hybrid lineup, resisting heavily investing in EVs is proving to be the strategy of the day. The brand’s electrified vehicle sales (hybrids & EVs) totaled 454,000 in the first half of 2024, up 68% from last year.

Toyota’s strong sales performance is trickling down to its reputation, and for the first time, we can see how the brand’s reputation data is trending over time with newly introduced QoQ and YoY data points.

Screenshot 2024-08-20 at 3.06.04 PM

Toyota has taken a decisive lead, the review volume “leader in the clubhouse” of 2024. With a median monthly volume per rooftop of 27.7 Google reviews per month, every other automaker is now looking at taillights.

Toyota’s YoY review volume increase of 46% is surpassed only by Honda’s 37% jump. Honda is also having a strong sales year, up 11% as reported by Cox.

I’m not yet sure how to fully articulate this, but the review efficiency of the luxury brands on this list is worth highlighting. Lexus’ vehicle sales totaled just 16% of Toyota’s in Q1/Q2, but generated 86% of Toyota’s reviews. BMW sold 25% of Honda but generated 91% of its reviews.

BMW and Lexus are taking advantage of their limited opportunities.

How to brand benchmarks in the index: Go to “Group” and select “Group” from the dropdown. Collapse all OEM groupings for a quick scan of OEM benchmarks for 2024 YTD, Q2 and Q1.

Go to Index



Benchmark Szn

Each core reputation metric has remained relatively consistent in 2024 YTD. 

Where I’m focused: the review volume drop and increase from Q1 to Q2 and the dramatic drop in review response percentage.

*Note: As part of this update, we’ve added 855 new dealers to the Index. As a result, our numbers from 2023 have evolved. The dataset we’re reporting on today is an accurate picture of the market, the same group of 17,166 dealers in 2023 and 2024.

Q1-Q2 Automotive Reputation Benchmarks Graphic – 2-2


  1. Review volume rises 29% in the first half of 2024 on strong Q2 performance.
  2. Ratings improve YoY by a small, but strong, 2%.
  3. Negativity is down 8.5% YoY.
  4. The percentage of reviews responded to has increased 1.7% YoY.


Enjoy the new Index!

More REV in 3 weeks - Jake, Marketing @ Widewail