No bots here. Instead, a team of super-talented writers. Let Widewail do the heavy lifting with Engage™.
Reviews are constantly changing - defining and redefining your reputation daily. Our team monitors and responds quickly to customer engagements across your most powerful review sites - optimizing responses with brand keywords and alerting you when you need to jump into the conversation. You can trust Widewail to stay on top of your online review management so you can direct valuable in-house marketing efforts appropriately.
Our keyword-rich approach makes us an industry leader. Each positive response tastefully incorporates keywords such as business name and product offerings. In other words, our responses read well while also providing Google with the information it needs to assess your business.
The Widewail platform is designed to monitor and aggregate all of the digital interactions around your business, helping you to stay connected with your customers in real-time. Custom built, it arms our team with the tools needed to efficiently and effectively manage these engagements with your customers and prospects.
Engage is a managed service, working in lock-step with your team. We send positive responses out immediately, but for less-than-satisfied customers, we require your help to provide thoughtful responses, in context with an upset customer’s visit. When a negative review is posted we will alert the appropriate people at your business via email and text with a suggested response plan. Our process ensures sensitive cases are handled in a timely manner with benchmark professionalism.
The smart local marketer's guide to responding to Google reviews. Lessons applied to examples pulled directly from our experience. Learn tactics to handle even the trickiest of reviews, like 1-star no comment or 4-star but unhappy.
In most cases, our team will author responses to all of your reviews the same business day as posted. Positive review responses are sent out immediately, while suggested responses to negative reviews are sent to your team for review and approval. When dealing with negative reviews, a fast response from your business or our Facebook and Google review management service will give you the highest probability of problem resolution.
All of your interactions from across the web in one dashboard. Track your ratings over specific time periods to understand your evolving reputation. With the ability to see individual department performance, you’ll be able to identify operational issues in near real-time.
Using the Engage Review Management Service, Koons Automotive improved their star rating and reduced negative customer sentiment.
Average Google Star Rating Increase
Decrease in negative review percentage
Review Volume Increase
Does the Widewail team actually write responses to all our reviews, or do you provide a software solution that my team can use to respond?
What about a negative review, shouldn’t my team be involved with managing unhappy customers?
We agree, and have designed a Google review management process to efficiently get feedback from the business on negative review responses. Each time a customer writes a negative review the Widewail response team will write a suggested response and submit it to specified members of your team for approval. You or your team will be notified via text and email, directing you to the review and suggested response in Widewail. The response looks good? Hit “Publish” and it will go live immediately. If you are able to provide further context around the customer’s visit, you can send feedback to the Widewail team easily. We will incorporate your feedback and send back an updated reply.
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