It's a Doozy (And Free)

Templates. Examples. Strategies.

74 pages. 56 examples. Advice for positive reviews. Advice for negative reviews. Google, Facebook, Yelp & more. Respond like a pro to every review. In every situation.

Enjoyed by 150,000+ local marketers.

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The Widewail Team Has Used These Techniques to Respond to 1,000,000+ Reviews for Clients

And now we are making our best strategies available to you, for free.

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What's Inside

This is the ultimate review response guide for local businesses. Learn the best ways to reply to reviews on Google and hundreds of other review platforms. In 56 examples learn how to handle any type of review in any situation. 1-Star but no comment? Got that. 4-Star but negative? Got that too. Memes?

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15 Negative Review Examples + Templates

You Eat Negative Reviews For Breakfast. Build Confidence. No Situation is Too Awkward. Respond Like a Pro.

Included are strategies, examples, and templates for all of the unique scenarios you will encounter when responding to reviews. Learn the best ways how to respond to negative reviews on Google, Facebook, Yelp & more.

"Widewail, with its thoughtful approach to engagement management and unique focus on conversational SEO, is the best choice to provide Lexus guests with personalized, impactful online experiences."


David Telfer | National Manager, Digital Marketing | Lexus

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14 Positive Review Examples + Templates

5-Star Review Responses. Real-Life Examples. Frameworks for Hundreds of Review Platforms.

Respond to good reviews with confidence. Every review in the book is written by a real consumer. Every response was authored by the Widewail team. Learn the best ways how to respond to positive reviews on Google, Facebook, Yelp & more.

“We have seen lifts in organic traffic from both the keyword-rich, thoughtful responses their team crafts via “Engage,” and through the increases in review volume with “Invite.” There really is no better option in reputation management or review generation than Widewail.”
Jake Barron | Director of Marketing | Koons Auto
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27 Industry-Specific Examples

No Two Industries Are Exactly The Same

Hone your skills with advice specific to Automotive, Healthcare, Home Services, Hospitality, Property Management and Retail.

"With our on-site teams in mind, it was a big decision when changing our approach to responding to reviews and shifting that responsibility to Widewail. Our partnership with Widewail has enabled BH to improve the way we do business. Instead of our on-site teams spending time crafting review responses across multiple platforms, they can focus on creating moments that matter and making improvements based on feedback." 


Jacob Kosior | BH Management, Property Management

Cheat Sheet Teaser


BONUS: Printable Cheat Sheet

54 words and phrases to help you add variety to your responses. Content Widewail's expert response team utilizes every day.

  • Phrases for positive reviews
  • Phrases for negative reviews
  • Adjectives, adverbs, & more!

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What's Inside

Respond with Confidence In Every Situation

Never be caught off guard again. Included are strategies, examples, and templates for all of the unique scenarios you will encounter when responding to reviews.

1-Star, No Comment How to move forward when you've been insulted but you don't know why (and neither do prospects reading your reviews)
4-Stars, but Negative Not all positive reviews are entirely positive. How to handle constructive feedback.
No clear record of the person in your CRM When a review seems to have appeared out of thin air.
Refund requests How to walk the line when money is involved.
When to take the conversation offline This is a biggie.
How to report a review Responding is not always the right move.
Handle a spam event like a pro The 1-stars just won't stop. We will tell you what to do next.
Sell without being salesy Read the room. It can be done.
When the review is actually a sales lead This happens on occasion. Learn how to transition that individual into the sales process.
How to add variety to responses Getting creative is tough. Our printable cheat sheet with 54 words + phrases should help.
When the customer feels misled What actually happened?
When the review has little context or specifics Learn our go-to moves.
Accused of selling unnecessary services A breach of trust and a problem for your reputation.
For medical, HIPAA compliance The best practices are very specific.
When a customer has unfair or unrealistic expectations The customer isn't always right. But a light touch is needed.

Get The Free Book

Learn review response tactics from Widewail. 74 pages. 56 examples. Templates and frameworks you can use to reply to any review, on any platform, in any situation.

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