Widewail's data science team analyzed review volume and ratings from over 16,000 new car dealerships - totaling 1.6 million Google reviews from the first half of 2023.
Download the 11-page review for up-to-date automotive reputation benchmarks and Widewail client performance.
To determine today’s auto industry review benchmarks, we looked at 16,644 car dealerships across the U.S. and analyzed the 1,620,323 new Google reviews in the first half of 2023. Due to insufficient data for the month of January, we focused on the five months of February through June. From this data, we calculated the average review volume and Google star rating for automotive dealerships today.
We assessed the performance of Widewail’s Invite by studying the Google reviews of Invite clients in the first half of 2023. Then, we compared Invite clients’ performance to 2023 industry benchmarks to determine Invite’s efficacy in generating more and better reviews for automotive dealerships.
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