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Widewail’s Google Business Profile Performance Report can make sure you’re leveraging modern strategies to:

  • Show up in more customer searches
  • Drive more site visits, calls, direction requests, messages on your profile
  • Outrank competitors (and stay there)

We'll Start With Your Reviews

First, your aggregate scores are based on all of the locations you've entered. The first section is your group-wide average performance. The report digs deeper into each individual location further down the page in the "Here's the Breakdown by Location" section.

Group average rating:

Your Rating:

Insights: Here's how to benchmark your rating

The optimal target range is 4.6-5.0. An optimal rating will have significant positive impacts on local search rankings and conversion. Anything below 4.0 will be automatically filtered out by Google for “best of” searches.

Modern Playbook to Increasing Ratings

Watch Now

Rating breakdown by location

Group average volume:


Your Review Volume:
needs improvement

Insights: Here's how to benchmark monthly review volume

With the necessary technology and strategy in place, your business should target a monthly review volume equal to 10% of your monthly transaction volume. High performing businesses ask every customer for a review via SMS, post-transaction.

Modern Playbook to Increasing Volume

Watch Now

Review volume breakdown by location

What your reputation could look like after 90 Days on Widewail

With help from Widewail’s technology and strategic framework, here’s an estimate of your target reputation data after 90 days on Widewail.

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Location Breakdown

How we estimate your performance:

Reviewing our database of 750,000+ customer reviews, on average 88% are positive and 10% of review requests convert to reviews. Using your current reputation data, monthly transaction volume, and Widewail performance benchmarks we are able to estimate your reputation performance after 3 months on Widewail's services.

*Every business is different. These predictions are an educated guess based upon past performance. Results may vary.

Here’s the Breakdown by Location

Take a closer look at each location's Google Business Profile.

  • Listing status:
    Current rating:
    Current volume:
    This is the first photo your prospects see. Is this representative of your business? If not, here’s how to update it.

    Here are the top 5 reviews Google deems “Most Relevant” to your business.

    When your prospects arrive on your Google Business Profile this collection of feedback will be the first to make an impression. The best way to improve this list is to frequently generate new reviews from your customers. Learn how Invite can make getting reviews easier.

    Here is your custom link to send to customers to get more reviews.
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Do you respond to reviews?


Great! Responding to reviews is incredibly important. For one, responses are one of the four reputation management components Google looks at when ranking your business. Widewail's team of review responders have handled over 750,000 responses since Widewail's launch. We know that responding builds trust, improves search rank, retains current customers and helps convert future customers.

Learn how Widewail's people-powered review response managed service delivered personalized, custom responses to all of your reviews in less than 24 hours.

Explore Engage

Not Yet

Responding to reviews is a key strategy for two reasons: taking control of your public-facing reputation and the positive local SEO ranking impacts. When breaking down the impact of reviews on local SEO, Google references four components: review volume, frequency, rating, and response. Not only does responding directly impact rank because of increased profile activity, according to Harvard Business Review it also increases volume 12% and ratings 0.12-stars.

Download: Learn Review Response from 19 Real-World Examples

Download The Guide


Interacting with your customers is always a positive. Remember, responding to reviews is just as impactful on prospects as it is on the current customer. Shoppers want to see how your business interacts with its customers - if at all. To take your current strategy to new heights, we recommend a focused effort to respond to every review within 24 hours. Operationally, Widewail clients find working with our team of professional professional responders sustainable and cost-effective.

Learn how Widewail's people-powered review response managed service delivered personalized, custom responses to all of your reviews in less than 24 hours.

Explore Engage