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February 10, 2021

Lexus Dealership Increases Review Volume by 185% in First 90 Days with Invite

A Lexus dealer near Baltimore improves review volume by 185% and reduces negative review percentage by 75% after only 90 days.

What does an established and well-respected local Lexus dealership do when, despite their sterling brick-and-mortar reputation, they start losing local organic search visibility? Well, Widewail had a couple of ideas. And, we dare say, it turned the rooftop's fortunes around in a time frame worthy of another reputation management case study. 


In our latest case study focused on how to get more reviews and improve star rating, a Lexus dealership signs on with Widewail's Invite and Engage products to see huge performance improvements after only 90 days. 

Connecting with us after Widewail's addition to the Lexus certified partner program, this customer faced a challenge shared with us on a daily basis - a need to increase online review volume while simultaneously decreasing the percentage of negative reviews.  

The rooftop's GM put it simply to Widewail Sales Director, Chris Bouchard: 

I was relieved to learn there was now a co-opted review option being offered by Lexus. It had been a frequent topic of conversation at the dealership, definitely a pain point, and Chris had my attention right away.” 

How did this story end? Peruse the full case study for more customer quotes and real-world performance improvement details, then reach out to set up a demo of Widewail's solutions and how they can help your business get 2021's goals within shooting range.

If you're interested in learning more about how your own dealership measures up against the competition, check out Widewail's Automotive Reputation Index, the most comprehensive public reputation dataset in the automotive industry.

Interactive Dataset  Automotive Reputation Index Explore (It's Free)



Dave Pye

A digital marketing dinosaur, my SEO career began in 1999 at one of Boston's first digital marketing agencies. Prior to becoming Widewail's Director of Search I had a long focus on GMB, reviews and local organic visibility for automotive dealerships in competitive locales. Regardless of a specific industry, this decade of experience was the perfect precursor for a role supporting our innovative Engage and Invite services. Originally from Canada, I enjoy hockey, Frank Sinatra, writing on a variety of subjects, old movies - and am the proud parent of a geriatric Boston Terrier. Customers, peers, or anyone with online review-related questions are encouraged to contact me, anytime.

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